7 ways successful people make a great first impression

7 ways successful people make a great first impression 1. Pleasing Appearance Always dress according to the occasion: formal, semi-formal, smart casual, casual or evening / party wear. Make sure your clothes look attractive in addition to being appropriate, for example; You can add a brightly colored tie or a scarf to your outfit or use different patterns of clothing to make the outfit interesting, etc. Make sure your clothes are well ironed, give your body a good look Kind of fit and clean and refreshing. It is good to be neat and tidy with your nails, hair and shoes. If you look good, you feel good and at the same time you feel more confident and have better self-esteem and above all, you behave better. 2. Confident Body Language Do a good standing or sitting posture, i.e. do not slouch, have open hand gestures, maintain eye contact, give a firm handshake, show active signs of listening (lean forward, nod or comment) when they are talking and remember to smile (genuinely), It ge...